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How to Get Into Coding Without a Degree: Tips and Strategies

Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in tech or simply looking to pick up a new skill, coding can be a valuable asset. Many people believe that getting a degree in computer science or a related field is the only way to become a programmer, but that’s simply not true. With the right resources and approach, anyone can learn to code.

Understanding the World of Coding

Before diving into learning how to code, it’s essential to understand what coding is and why it’s important. At its most basic level, coding involves writing instructions that a computer can understand. These instructions are used to create software, websites, apps, and other digital tools that we use every day.

Coding is a powerful tool that has transformed the way we live our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and even play. With coding, we have the power to create amazing things that were once thought impossible.

What is Coding?

Coding involves writing code in a specific programming language. Each language has its unique syntax and rules that must be followed. Learning to code involves understanding the basic concepts of programming and then applying them to a specific language.

Many people are intimidated by the idea of coding, thinking that it’s something that only computer geniuses can do. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Anyone can learn to code with the right mindset and determination.

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Popular Programming Languages

There are many programming languages to choose from, but some of the most popular include Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++. Each language is used for different purposes and is more suited to certain types of projects.

Python, for example, is a great language for beginners because of its simplicity and readability. Java, on the other hand, is a more complex language that is commonly used in enterprise applications. JavaScript is the language of the web and is used to create dynamic and interactive websites.

The Importance of Coding in Today’s World

Coding is a skill that is in high demand in today’s digital world. From developing new software to building websites, there is a growing need for people who can code. By learning to code, you’ll be enhancing your employability and opening up new career opportunities.

Furthermore, coding is a tool for innovation. With coding, we have the power to create solutions to real-world problems and make a positive impact on the world. From developing new medical technologies to creating sustainable energy solutions, coding is a critical tool for solving the challenges of our time.

Finally, coding is a skill that can be used for personal growth and development. Learning to code can help you develop problem-solving skills, improve your logical thinking, and enhance your creativity. It’s a skill that can benefit you in every aspect of your life.

Self-Learning Resources

When it comes to learning how to code, there are many great resources available that can help you get started. Whether you’re looking to learn a new programming language or improve your existing skills, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Learning to code can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right resources and a bit of dedication, anyone can learn to code and start building their own projects.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Online courses and tutorials are a great way to learn how to code at your own pace. These resources offer a structured approach to learning, with lessons and exercises designed to help you build your skills over time.

Some of the most effective online learning platforms include Udemy, Coursera, and Codecademy. These platforms offer courses in a wide range of programming languages, from the basics to more advanced topics.

One of the benefits of online courses and tutorials is that you can learn from anywhere, at any time. This makes them a great option for people who have busy schedules or prefer to learn at their own pace.

Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps are intensive programs that are designed to teach you how to code quickly. These programs are often in-person or online and can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Bootcamps are a great option for people who want to learn how to code but don’t have the time or money to pursue a traditional degree. They offer a hands-on approach to learning, with instructors who can provide guidance and support throughout the program.

Some popular coding bootcamps include General Assembly, Flatiron School, and Hack Reactor.

Books and eBooks

Another great resource for learning to code is books and eBooks. There are many excellent books on programming, from beginner-friendly texts to more advanced texts.

Some of the most popular coding books include “JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development” by Jon Duckett and “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes.

Books and eBooks offer a more traditional approach to learning, with in-depth explanations and examples that can help you build a strong foundation in coding.

Coding Communities and Forums

Coding communities and forums are great places to connect with other developers, ask questions, and get help with coding projects. These communities can be especially helpful for beginners, who may have questions or need guidance as they learn to code.

Some of the most popular communities include Stack Overflow and GitHub. These platforms offer a wealth of information and resources, including code snippets, tutorials, and forums where you can connect with other developers.

By joining a coding community or forum, you can tap into the collective knowledge and experience of other developers, which can help you learn more quickly and effectively.

Building a Strong Portfolio

Once you’ve learned how to code, it’s essential to build a strong portfolio to showcase your skills and attract potential employers. This can involve working on personal projects, contributing to open source projects, freelancing, and showcasing your work on platforms like GitHub.

Building a strong portfolio is crucial for any aspiring coder. Your portfolio is your calling card, and it’s what potential employers will use to evaluate your skills and experience. A strong portfolio can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Personal Projects

One of the most effective ways to build a strong portfolio is to work on personal projects. Personal projects are an excellent way to showcase your creativity, problem-solving skills, and coding abilities. When working on personal projects, it’s essential to choose projects that are challenging and relevant to your interests and career goals.

For example, if you’re interested in web development, you could create a website that showcases your skills and knowledge. You could also develop an app that solves a problem you’re passionate about, such as a fitness app or a budgeting app.

Contributing to Open Source Projects

Another great way to build your portfolio is to contribute to open source projects. Open source software is code that is freely available and can be modified by anyone. Contributing to open source projects can help you develop your coding skills and build your reputation in the coding community.

When contributing to open source projects, it’s essential to choose projects that align with your interests and career goals. You should also look for projects that have an active community of contributors and maintainers. This will ensure that you’re working on a project that has value and will help you gain experience and build your portfolio.

Freelance Work

Freelance work can also be a great way to build your coding skills and develop a strong portfolio. Many companies, particularly startups and small businesses, are looking for freelance developers to work on projects. Freelance work can help you gain experience and build your reputation as a coder.

When looking for freelance work, it’s essential to choose projects that align with your interests and career goals. You should also look for projects that have a clear scope and timeline. This will ensure that you’re working on a project that has value and will help you gain experience and build your portfolio.

Showcasing Your Skills on GitHub

Finally, showcasing your work on GitHub is essential for building a strong portfolio. GitHub is a platform where coders can store and share their code. By posting your projects on GitHub, you can show potential employers what you’re capable of and attract job offers.

When posting your projects on GitHub, it’s essential to provide a clear and concise description of your project. You should also include a link to the live version of your project, if applicable. This will help potential employers evaluate your skills and experience.

In conclusion, building a strong portfolio is essential for any aspiring coder. By working on personal projects, contributing to open source projects, freelancing, and showcasing your work on platforms like GitHub, you can demonstrate your skills and attract potential employers. Remember to choose projects that align with your interests and career goals, and provide a clear and concise description of your work. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to building a strong portfolio and landing your dream job.

Networking and Making Connections

Finally, networking and making connections are essential for anyone looking to break into the coding world. This can involve attending coding meetups and conferences, joining online coding groups, and connecting with industry professionals on LinkedIn.

Attending Coding Meetups and Conferences

Coding meetups and conferences are great places to connect with other developers and learn about the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Attending these events can help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and expand your professional network.

Joining Online Coding Groups

Online coding groups are another great way to connect with other developers. There are many online groups available, including LinkedIn groups and Facebook groups. Joining these groups can help you find fellow coders who share your interests and skills.

Connecting with Industry Professionals on LinkedIn

Finally, connecting with industry professionals on LinkedIn can be a great way to expand your professional network. LinkedIn is a social network for professionals and is an excellent place to connect with other developers, recruiters, and industry leaders.


Getting into coding without a degree is entirely possible with the right resources and approach. By understanding the world of coding, exploring self-learning resources, building a strong portfolio, and making connections, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in the tech industry.

Fredrick Dooley

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